Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:32 pm
Istanbul'da ABD konsolosluguna saldiri olmus, 3 koruma polisi sehit olmus, uc saldirani da indirmisler.
EDIT:Kacanlar oldugu soyleniyor, Istanbul polisi insan avina baslamis.Sehitlere Allah Rahmet Eylesin.
Ne buyuk bir IRONI dir bu ABD'yi korurken yasamini yitirmek
Attack at US Istanbul consulate
Turkey has seen armed attacks from a variety of groups over the years
Three policemen and three gunmen have been killed in an armed attack near the US consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul, its governor has said.
The identity of the attackers is still unclear, but they are said to have begun shooting at police outside the main entrance at 1100 (0800 GMT).
The ensuing gun battle, which lasted for at least seven minutes, is reported to have left several others injured.
There are no reports of any injuries to staff working in the consulate itself.
After the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, the consulate was moved from the centre of Istanbul to a hill on the outskirts.
It opened in 2003, and has checkpoints and barriers well away from the main building.
EDIT:Kacanlar oldugu soyleniyor, Istanbul polisi insan avina baslamis.Sehitlere Allah Rahmet Eylesin.
Ne buyuk bir IRONI dir bu ABD'yi korurken yasamini yitirmek
Attack at US Istanbul consulate
Turkey has seen armed attacks from a variety of groups over the years
Three policemen and three gunmen have been killed in an armed attack near the US consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul, its governor has said.
The identity of the attackers is still unclear, but they are said to have begun shooting at police outside the main entrance at 1100 (0800 GMT).
The ensuing gun battle, which lasted for at least seven minutes, is reported to have left several others injured.
There are no reports of any injuries to staff working in the consulate itself.
After the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, the consulate was moved from the centre of Istanbul to a hill on the outskirts.
It opened in 2003, and has checkpoints and barriers well away from the main building.