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Liverpool da satıldı sıra biz de mi?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:46 am
by Mehmet Gorgen
Liverpool satıldı hem de araplara.

İngiltere’nin köklü kulüplerinden Liverpool, Dubai Veliaht Prensi ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nin Başbakanı Şeyh Muhammed bin Raşid el Maktum’a bağlı olan ve İngiltere’de yatırımları bulunan Dubai International Capital’a (DIC) satıldı.

Liverpool Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Rick Parry, satışın gerçekleştiğini duyurken, DIC’ın yaklaşık 450 milyon Sterlin ödediği belirtildi. ... 4682.shtml

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:34 pm
by Ismail Gezer
Sıra niye bizde olsun canım?
Kuyruk vardı da, kaynak mı yaptık :D

Insallah GS'dedir

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:20 pm
by Alpay Dedeoglu
Ben siranin bizde olmasindan yanayim yani satisin bir an once
yapilmasindan yanayim. Cunku GS'nin sorunu sahipsizlik.
Su anda bir KIT gibi arpalik durumda ve kotu yonetiliyor.
Arap, amerikali, rus kim gelirse gelsin, parayi yatirsin, dolayisiyla
tasin altina elini soksun, mis gibi yonetir Galatasarayi.
Yoksa sorumsuz fakat sonsuz yetkili yoneticilerin ve profesyonellerin elinde dibe gidiyor. Bu camia o klubu elinde tutmayi hakketmiyor.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:31 pm
by Bilal Gül
ingiltere liginde her takım hisselerini satmak zorunda kalıyor. aksi takdirde hisselerini satmış olanlarla rekabet etmek imkansız hale gelir. hiç istemediğimiz birşey ama bu yakında bizim de başımıza gelebilir:)

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:23 pm
by Mehmet Marsan
Borcu 200 milyon dolari asmis, kadrosu fazla para etmiyen, kohne bir stad da oyniyan sevgili futbol takimimiz acaba bir satisla borclari kapiyabilirmi?

Bence eldeki gayri menkulleri futbol takimindan ayri tutmaya calisacaklarina gore geride kalanlarin borclari bile odiyemez. Alicinin 200 milyonu bayildiktan sonra hemen stad isine el atmasi gerekecek. Kardo yenilemesi de cabasi. Toplam $400 milyonu bir nefesde gozden cikarabilecek bir baba yigide ihtiyac var. Biraz zor gorunuyor.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:41 pm
by Mehmet Marsan
Liverpool'un satisi kesinlesmek uzere. Iki Amerika'li parayi bastirip almislar. Ikiside Buz Hokeyi (NHL) takimi sahibiler, arti birinin Baseball (Rangers) takimida var. Detaylar asagida ki haberde var. ... 30&cc=5739
The statement to shareholders said: 'The offer is £5,000 in cash for each Liverpool Share, valuing the issued share capital of Liverpool at approximately £174.1million.

'Together with the £44.8million of net debt in the club as at December 31 2006, this represents an enterprise value for Liverpool of £218.9 million.

'Kop is an English private limited company, which has been incorporated for the specific purpose of making the offer and which is ultimately jointly controlled by Mr George Gillett jnr and Mr Thomas O Hicks.

'The board of Liverpool... considers the terms of the offer to be fair and reasonable.

'The board of Liverpool unanimously recommends that Liverpool shareholders accept the offer.'

The club's board also revealed the pair's plans for the new Stanley Park stadium were a key factor in accepting the proposal - as was the plan to support the current staff at boardroom and dugout level.

'Kop has indicated its intention to build, as soon as reasonably practicable, the proposed new 60,000-seat stadium at Stanley Park for which the club has already received planning permission and to facilitate the financing of its construction

'Kop has indicated that it is committed to an annual budget for player transfers and is able to supplement this should Liverpool's management and Kop agree additional funds are required.

'Kop is supportive of both the current executives and the football team management at Liverpool to provide stability to the club.'

Gillett and Hicks, who own NHL teams Montreal Canadiens and Dallas Stars respectively, were expected to make an announcement after further progress was made on their £470million takeover offer yesterday.

Hicks, who also owns the Texas Rangers baseball team, joined forces with Gillett to gazump rival bidders Dubai International Capital last week.
