Celal Gürcüoglu wrote:Benim genelde bu tip davranislara verilen kartlardan anladigim daha baska. Simdi eger Lincoln bayrak diregini alip sinirli bir sekilde yere atsa veya dizi ile ortadan kirmaya calissa, veya cirit atar gibi atsa, veya sert sekilde yere vursa, veya panalora vursa, veya tribunlere atsa, veya...... yani kisacasi Lincoln'un yaptigi "Bayrak dansi" kart gerektirmeyecek tek davranis. Kart verilmemesi bence gayet dogal.
2. golde Servet'in ordan elini cekmesi imkansiz gibi birsey. Elle bilerek atilan gol oyle mi olurmus?
Tabii . Maymun taklidi yapmak (takla atmak), yengec taklidi yapmak,
timsah taklidi yapmak, yani kisaca HAYVANLIK yaptigin zaman kart yok. Okcu hareketi, rakip seyirciye sus hareketi, bebek isareti, emzik isareti, karina top koymak gibi rakibe mesaj hareketede KART yok. Ama gayet medeni ve kisa , yani estetik degeri olan ve rakibe bir kucultucu mesaj vermeyen cok kisa bir dans figürüne, yani INSANI MEDENI BIR HAREKETE kart. neymis efendim kose bayragını ellemis? Yahu kutsal emanetmi o kose bayragi dedigin sey. oyunun bir parcasi. sopa gecirilmis bez parcasi .
Ayrica Kanat Atkayanin yazdigina gore Lincoln golu attiginda ''Samba, samba '' diye doldurusa getiren Ardaymis. Lincolnde kiramamis yapmis. Tribunden kiz arkadasini cagirip yapmamis ya.
Bana Lincoln'u savunduruyorsunuz
Dobermana sormak lazim Servet ayni hareketi kendi ceza sahasinda yapipta top avuta gitseydi penalti verirmiydin? Veremezdin.
FIFA KURALLARI, SOn edıtıon, sayfa 117
http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affeder ... _10565.pdf
''Celebration of a goal
While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal
has been scored, the celebration must not be excessive.
Reasonable celebrations are allowed, but the practice of choreographed
celebrations is not to be encouraged when it results in excessive
time-wasting and referees are instructed to intervene in such
A player must be cautioned if:
• in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or infl ammatory
• he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being
• he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt.
• he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item
Leaving the fi eld of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence
in itself but it is essential that players return to the fi eld of play as soon
as possible.
Referees are expected to act in a preventative manner and to exercise
common sense in dealing with the celebration of a goal.``
Handling the ball
Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact
with the ball with his hand or arm. The referee shall take the following
into consideration:
• The movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards
the hand)
• The distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected
• Position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an
• Touching the ball with an object held in the hand (clothing, shinguard
etc.) counts as an infringement
• Hitting the ball with a thrown object (a boot, shinguard etc.)
counts as an infringement
Disciplinary sanctions
There are circumstances when a caution for unsporting behaviour
is required when a player deliberately handles the ball, e.g. when a
• deliberately and blatantly handles the ball to prevent an opponent
gaining possession
• attempts to score a goal by deliberately handling the ball
A player is sent off, however, if he prevents a goal or an obvious goalscoring
opportunity by deliberately handling the ball. This punishment
arises not from the act of the player deliberately handling the ball but
from the unacceptable and unfair intervention that prevented a goal