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Murat Gökcigdem
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Soccer-Former Romanian star Popescu to run for FA president
By Radu Timofte
11 October 2005
04:13 pm GMT
Reuters News

BUCHAREST, Oct 11 (Reuters) - Former Romanian international midfielder Gheorghe Popescu is standing for the presidency of the Romanian Football Association.

The 37-year-old, who played 115 times for his country, said at a news conference announcing his candidature that he wanted "to restore the credibility of Romanian soccer."

Popescu said: "My slogan is 'I will defend soccer' and my final aim is put Romania in a position to organize the 2016 European finals.

"I seek to give Romanian football back its credibility. It is important for supporters and the world to trust our sport again."

He also said he would fund his campaign from his pocket.

Gheorghe Hagi, Romania's greatest ever player and an international team mate of Popescu, endorsed his bid by appearing alongside him at the news conference.

Popescu's candidature is expected to be strongly backed by media and supporters but club presidents and officials are liklely to vote against him.

"I'll put forward my strategy to FIFA and UEFA and I'll ask for their support to implement them," Popescu said.

Elections for the presidency are scheduled for December and Popescu will stand against another former national squad team-mate Ionut Lupescu.

Current president Mircea Sandu is stepping down after four terms of office.

A member of Romania's "golden generation" that reached rthe World Cup quarter-finals in 1994, Popescu played in three World Cups and two European championship finals.

He lifted the 1997 European Cup Winners' Cup with Barcelona and the UEFA Cup with Galatasaray in 2000. He also played for PSV Eindhoven, Tottenham Hotspur and Lecce.
Can Baysan
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Nasıl ki;

Alman Futbolu'nun patronu: Beckenbauer,
Fransız Futbolu'nun patronu: Platini,
Hollanda'nın ki: Cruyff'sa;

Romen futbolunun da esas patronu, bana göre Hagi'dir. Her bakımdan, daha çok ağırlığı vardır ülkesinde.
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